Is this an oxymoron?
Okay - I just have to vent on this one...
In planning for a pregnancy (no official news yet - read on), because my husband and doctors all knew this was something that could be potentially difficult, I spoke with my OB/Gyn about pre-natal vitamins, and with my GP and Allergist about switching to pregnancy-safe medications for my Asthma and Allergies... so, at this point, I'm taking totally different meds than those I have been used to for years... I'm taking nothing for the allergies, but have 3 meds for my asthma...
And - this past weekend, I spent a day with family, and apparently I'm _really_ allergic to the long-haired cat....
So my asthma and allergies are having a field day....
I think I'm pregnant, and therefore my allergist won't prescribe me anything additional to deal with the symptoms (he did recommend increasing the dose on one of my meds, but that's not really taking care of the problem as much as keeping it from getting worse)...
So - I call my OB/Gyn's office to speak to the nurse....
I start with the "I think I might be pregnant" conversation.... and the response was that I should wait until after January 5th to take a home test, since anything earlier might give me a false negative... and a false negative is bad, because I might not take care of myself properly if I think I'm not pregnant....
Okay.... so now on to section 2 of the phone call "What is safe for me to take because of my allergies"?
The response - oh, take anything, it doesn't matter what you take until you get a positive pregnancy test....
Excuse me? Did I miss something here? I'm supposed to avoid a false negative so that I take good care of myself in case I am pregnant.... but then it's okay to do whatever with OTC meds because I don't have a positive test??
The nurse must have correctly interpreted the pause in our conversation, because she continued by recommending to me some OTC meds that are considered pregnancy safe....
I'm glad she's not my regular nurse (she's filling in temporarily in the absence of my regular nurse who is a real sweetie!)... I'm just shocked, because I'm usually so happy with everything and everyone at that office, that it's really surprising to me to have an issue there...
So there's the vent... thanks for listening...
More babywatch updates in January, unless something else comes up before then!
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